TIME:2022-05-10 15:27:18 浏览次数:572修饰词的使用会让文章的内容变得更加的丰富。在写作中,经常使用修饰词是一种极为普遍的现象,主要包括形容词或副词。请看以下例句(例句均节选于学生作文):
1. Old buildings are valuable treasures of a nation.
2. …government took all possible eventualities into account when it made this policy decision…
3. imports of foreign automobiles have declined sharply this year …
4. they must also have some necessary knowledge about history and geography…
5. previously we used to overemphasize the need for class struggle
6. hundreds of transitional firms have started various businesses in China
为了更加清楚地说明这一点,我们首先来看下例1-- 4中,标记红色部分词汇的 “英英解释”:
1)treasure – a collection of valuable things or objects…
2) eventuality – something that may possibly happen, especially sth unpleasant
3) import – a product or service that is brought into one country from another
4) must – used to say that sth is necessary or very important …
2) “eventuality” 本身就含有“possible”之意;
3) “import” 已经体现了“foreign”的意思;
4) “must” 本身已经包含“necessary”之意.
其次:例5中“ used to…” 在时间上已经表示“之前、以前、过去”的意思, “previously” 同样表示“之前、先前”的意思;
例6中“various” 在汉语中暗指“多”,通常表示复数的概念。在英语中“复数”一般是通过在名词后加“s/es”来体现,所以“businesses”已经表示“多”。
在以上例句中划线部分的词汇虽然能让内容更充实、丰富,但在英语写作中无异于“画蛇添足”, 都属于“词意重复”,因为“避免词意重复” 是英语地道表达的根本要求,因此在英语写作中以上划线部分的这些修饰词都应该被删除,所以以上例句应该改为:
1. Old buildings are treasures of a nation.
2. …government took all eventualities into account when it made this policy decision…
3. imports of automobiles have declined sharply this year …
4. they must also have some knowledge about history and geography…
5. we used to overemphasize the need for class struggle
6.hundreds of transitional firms have started businesses in China
平时练习写作过程中,添加修饰语时都需要考虑一下“被修饰词”是否已暗含了“修饰词”的意思或句子其他成分中是否已经包含了“修饰词”的意思,多思考一下,必要时还可以借助词汇的 “英英解释”来一探究竟,尽可能避一些非必要的修饰词。日积月累,英语的表达就会变得越来越地道。